Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What is CULTURE?

Culture can means different things to different people. It can a belief, set of rules, environment, set of behaviors, etc. I believe that culture is something that attaches value to what we do. For example, a certain action that I perform has no value to anyone, until someone tells you that you have done it good. This someone who tells you that you did fine is the culture in my viewpoint. It is what tells you to do something in a certain manner, live in a certain manner, and understand things in a certain manner. So my culture is all that tells me that I'm doing things good and right in my everyday life.


Ryzhikov said...

i dunno where to reply to you so i did it here, thanks for the comment, but if my business fails i still have a property left over which over time will only grow in value, as far as renting i automatically lose thousands of dollars a month, im expecting rent to be no cheaper then $3000 a month possibly up to 5grand, thats 10000$ im throwing away in 3 years

Anonymous said...

Another relativist

There are things that are consider "different" and is part of diversity, and there are things that are fundamentally the same regardless of culture.

I would not say murdering, stealing, or terrorism is just a cultural different, or is part of diversity that should be keep alone or embrace. On the other hand, how people dress or what people eat is something that is considered "differences" and is part of diversity.

I understand you as well as your definition of culture. My opinion is a little different, but in this case, I am not saying you are wrong, but I just think you have a "different" opinion than I do.

I also although it is a matter of opinion, and has some valid points, there is something wrong with relativism because it is invalid as a whole. Relativism is only partially valid but not absolutely valid and thus can not be apply practically to every society or accepted in the world.

I know Neo-Nazi and KKK argues that they are only different, they are part of cultural diversity, and that Nazi and Adolf Hitler's ideology is part of differences of a cultural diversity. I disagree. I believe there are things that are fundamentally wrong, unethical, or immoral by human standard and thus unacceptable by every culture. In fact, many Germans at the time of Nazi Germany and some Nazi officials disagreed with the Nazi Party or with what Adolf Hitler was doing.

There are certain things that are correct or incorrect fundamentally by ethical and moral standard, and there are things that are consider differences or cultural diversity. So not everything is positive or negative, correct or incorrect, left or right, black or white. Similarly, not everything should be consider differences (e.g. one can not say that a pedophile has a different culture and moral view point than the norm and thus what the pedophile do is acceptable).

So when it comes to culture and ethic, the question should be raise is: Where do you draw the line (between differences and the fundamental values)?

One should not be intolerant nor should tolerate everything, but how much tolerance should one have?