Monday, February 25, 2008

Plan for keeping an egg from cracking!!!

Our objective was to invent a method for keeping an egg from breaking while it is dropped from a specified height. At first, we calculated the amount of time we were given to think about an idea, and resources we were to use. Specifically, 8 straws, a raw egg, and a 2 feet long paper tape. Also, our time to plan was limited to 25 minutes. Secondly, we all offered a viewpoint on how to approach this situation. Each one of us came up with his/her idea of creating something that would keep an egg from cracking. One of us offered to half wrap the egg with the straws, so that it can produce some air suspension effect and 50 percent is visible. Another one of our group members offered a similar technique but argued on whether the egg should be wrapped stand up or laid down. Our third group member offered to use straws in a way that egg never hits the floor while straws do. Our fourth group member offered to use a string that would lower the elevation the egg is dropped from. And finally our last group member presented a view of using straws to be cut into several pieces and cut in a way that they produce a flowering edges, and wrapped around the egg.We tried to put it all together into one unique design that would be the actual design of our product. What we did was used the flowering idea and placed them on the egg in a manner that it creates pointer at different location on the egg that would lead to create a air suspension effect and keep the egg floating all the time. And then we incorporated the idea of string from one of our group members and attached the string at one of the points on the egg, so we decrease the elevation from where egg is dropped. This ended our ideas planning session. This session took about 15 minutes of our time.
Then our focus moved upon to what and how would we need to use our resouces that this idea can be put into practical use. We decided upon using six of our straws that we would cut into several pieces with flowering edges. One edge would attached to the egg and the other would support as a method to reduce the pressure as it hits floor. Then we had to decide on how to make these small pieces with flowering tops because of our limited use of scissors. Then we came up with idea of using a lock key to cut the straws into pieces, and then using pencil pointer to make the flowering tops. And we planned to use the other two straws to create a string that the egg would be attached to. We planned on cutting each one of our straws in a way that it would provide us with several layers taht we could use as a string. And finally, we decided to use half of our paper tape to attach our flowering topped pieces of straws to the egg, and the other haof to lengthen our string.
And final step was to create our planned or designed egg proctector in ten minutes. We decided to put two of our members to create flowering topped pieces of straws,and one to cut the needed tape, fouth to attached the straws to the egg,and the last member to find access to scissor so that we can cut the remaining to straws into several layers so that it can be used as a long string. We used 9 minutes to implement our plan and the final minute to test our creation for success.
For record, we did went through majority of our planning process that one is to go through before implenting one's plan. Our failure was that were so sure that it would work without actually finding fatal flaws our plan before we implemented it. We incorporated all teh suggestions into one, but failed to figure out whether what we had planned would actually work.
We were very sure that our invention would be a success but our creation failed to meet our expection by allowing the egg to break. So much for a failure... We tried...


Anonymous said...

Just like our group, your group was over-confident.

From what you wrote, I think your group's brainstorming and planning process is quite good and systematically organized.

This is a well written post.

Michael Zuchelli said...

I agree with your notion that your idea was flawless. It's very easy to think your idea will work, mainly becase some of the eggdrop is left to chance rather than design. When everyone agrees and gets along it only reinforces the good idea that one thinks he possess solely.