Sunday, February 10, 2008

Management Dilemmas and me!!!

Of all the different things, I have to manage in my everyday life, the most important thing that I have trouble with is to decide whether I want to spend my time in school or at work. Because I believe that once you start to earn money, you keep looking for different ways to earn more, and eventually you start spending more time on work than at school and your studies kind of hang in the middle. I always have an incentive to work but I limit my work hours to the point that they donot interfere my school life. The reason being that I value studies over work. Because you work all your life, but once you stop studing, it becomes hard to return to school and continue studies. So the way I deal with this is by only working on weekends, and try not to even think about money during the week days.
Another thing that consistently puts me on the hotseat is that whether I want to engage in extracurricular activities or concentrate on keeping my grade point average high by putting that extra time studying. What troubles me with this is the question how can I balance each of them out. By just studying I don't thik I am doing justice to the college life, and by just engaging in extracurricular activities I will be risking a drop in my grade point average. So what I do is limit the number of activities I engage in, so that I donot fall behind in any of them. I never actually managed to satisfy myself with this question, because even though I think I'm doing good enough, I feel I'm lacking something.


Anonymous said...

I think your prioritization has help you heading toward the right direction. Good job!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I had the same problem you had. Sorry, but if you try to have everything you’ll end up with nothing. If you aren’t satisfied with the way your school, work, and extracurricular activities are balanced, you might have to change something. Explore your options, have you ever tried taking less classes in the fall and spring semesters and may be one or two during the summer and or winter term. Or maybe cut back on work, or work only during the summer and or winter term. Or maybe you could even leave your extracurricular activities to the summer and or winter term and cut back on work and school then.

Nafisa said...

Hey Irfan,

To work or to study? Or to study and work? These are the two major questions young students have to face.
Especially in America and other developed countires,this is a huge problem. I guess because one has so many options to earn money.People can work part-time or even full time without a college degree.
But in developing nations, inorder to earn money, one has to have a college degree. This is because part-time work is not easily available.
Some people think that education is the means to earn money in the future. And if they can work right now and earn money, why should they hold back? It is good that you realise that money is not everything. And education not only helps build your career but it also helps build your character and personality.
And like Sean said feel free to explore your options.

Take care

Shane said...

It's important to understand that your education is an investment for the future. If you're a full time student, working should not be a major concern (provided that your financial situation is stable). Focus mostly on your schoolwork, and try to see how much extra time you have leftover. From that, you can decide whether or not you want to spend it doing any other activities.