In our class activity on Monday,April 7, 2008, we used personal profile system called "D,I,S,C" to evaluate our managerial skills. Each letter in the term D,I,S,C refers to a unique managerial style. "D" stands for Dominance style of management. "I" stands for Influential style of management. "S" stands for Steadiness style of management and "C" refers to conscientiousness style of managing.
People who score high on "D" style are very active in dealing with problems and welcome challenges. They are also considered demanding, determined, ambitious, aggressive,and strong willed. This person desires an environment that gives him an authority, power, prestige snd opportunity for advancement. he also requires freedom from controls and supervision, and is more open to welcoming new and varied activities.
Secondly, people who score high on "I" are capable of influencing others through their way of communicating with others. This type is also considered to be emotional type. The person with this type care more about making a favorable impression, creating a motivational envirionment, generating enthusiasm and entertaining people. This person desires an environment that leads to popularity, social and public recognition, freedom form controls and details, and creates democratic relationships. Of all the four type this type is considered the most effective.
Thirdly, people scoring high on "S" demand a steady pace, predictable, and secure path to doing things. These people are calm, relaxed, patient, and tend not to take think from emotional perspective. These people try to resist instant changes in their way of doing things. They prefer routine tasks, and demand credit for their accomplishments at work place. They try to identify themselves with some group and resist identification as an individual. Our management professor also belong to this category, that should give you some idea of what kind of person this type is refering to.
And finally, people with high score in "C" tend to lead a structured life where all the directives and standards are fully understood. They tend not to make mistakes and get it right the first time. They people are analytical type who are very diplomatic with people. They desire an environment where all the regulations are fully set forth. An environment that values their qualities, and that demands expertise.
After choosing between long list of vocabulary words that best suited my peronality, and graphing the results, the test concluded my type to be "D high I", meaning I was high on dominance style and Influential type to be my second highest trait. I think that test was quite accurate in judging my management type. I am always looking for immediate results, deciding and finishing up things quickly, sometimes I do try to take charge of things and try to enforce my perspective on things. I also like it when people distignuish my accomplishment as an individual. I also like to try and learn new and different ways of doing things and be better at doing things than others. I definitely hate it when someone tries to dictate rules and limit my perspective on certain issues. I also don't like to get to answer indirectly, I like the direct way of reaching to conclusion. Simple, I think it was quite close.
At first, when professor was describing each type of styles. He mentioned that best of all four type was Influential type, I instantly wished that I was that type. But when he said that both D and I were pretty much best of all four ways, that relived me alot. This also took away the doubt that I was not the best, but after finding out that D and I were not that much different, my tension went away, and I said to myself that at least I'm good enough.
I really think this kind of test is helpful to a person because this allows them to see where they stand in an actual life. This also always them to think differently when faced with future problems. Let's say I'm "D" and I know it, but I feel that "I" is better, next time I will do something, I can try and be less directive and act more as an "I" type and reduce the effect of "D" in my management style. After taking the test, when I went back to the workplace, I attempted to stop at certain times and try to act differently so that I can improve the relations and better understand the other perspectives.
If you haven't tried it yet, try taking it and see how different you perceive things...
First, having a D high I type is a good thing becuase dominance style if good to use in business field and influence type is another good type to have in the business market. you can inflouence others' thinking through communication. i think there is no good or bad thing to have any type of personality, it's just testing what kind of person you are. so we dont have to care too much about this because everyone should be different
Thanks for visiting my blog! It's great that we have so many dominant people in the class, including yourself- it definetly makes the class more interactive and interesting. When I think of dominance, I think of people who stand to their ground, get things done, and basically take charge. That characteristic is especially important in the industry that you want to pursue.
I dont exactly agree that there's a BEST type. Everyone works differently. Someone might not be dominant, but they have the personality to still get things done and make as much of an impact on another person who's very dominant but approaches people/situations in all the wrong ways. The key thing is to have a good personality and being balanced is always a plus.
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